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Weekend A La Carte (February 11)

My gratitude goes to TGC for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about Collin Hansen’s new book.

Today’s Kindle deals include a nice little list.

(Yesterday on the blog: Jinger Vuolo’s Story of Disentangling Faith from Fear)

What Can Death Do to Us?

Randy Alcorn: “‘To die will be an awfully big adventure,’ says Peter Pan. But it will be a wonderful, big adventure only for those who are covered by the blood of Christ. Those who die without Jesus will experience a horrifying tragedy. Of course, dying is not the real adventure. Death is merely the doorway to eternal life.”

5 Myths about Porn

“Porn promises much but delivers less—and not just less but, in fact, the opposite of what it promises. And by now aren’t we all fed up with being manipulated? Advertisers lie to us. Politicians lie to us. Porn lies to us. This world breaks our hearts. But Jesus has come, and his kingdom heals our hearts. So let’s be defiant. Let’s get free of every lie, by God’s grace, starting with the fraudulence that pornography is.”

Friendships Are Worth the Risk

Eleanor Kwizera wants you to know that friendships, though risky, are worth it. “Thumbing on my phone through Instagram stories I pause on a trending video. It’s a lady, ranting about adult friendships, about how no one prepares you for the pain that comes with losing friends.”

Aging for God’s Glory

For kids, birthdays are awfully exciting. “When you’re an adult, however, birthdays become drastically less exciting. Instead of birthdays marking the dawn of new experiences and abilities, they tend to bring a loss of ability and remind you of past moments you will never again experience.”

Do the Synoptic Gospels Portray Jesus as God? Rethinking Jesus Walking on the Water

“If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times. It’s the idea that John presents Jesus as divine and the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) present Jesus as a mere man. And when you combine all the Gospels together, only then do you end up with a vision of Jesus as both God and man.” Michael Kruger responds.

The Great Deception

“I have been told that my first sentence was this: I do it. My baby voice is on an old tape, collecting dust somewhere, a cassette I recall hearing many years ago. At the time of the recording I was not yet one-and-a-half. As my parents were trying to help me with something, I responded with: I do it. Even now I prefer little help.”

Flashback: Waiting with Faith

Wisdom gently whispers there is an Author telling a story whose end will be as wonderful as its beginning, whose final chapter will be as breathtaking as its first.

If you are Christians, be consistent. Be Christians out and out; Christians every hour, in every part.

—Horatius Bonar

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