Those who check out the daily Kindle deals may be interested to see that I changed up for the format. I hope this format proves more effective for skimming over the deals. Unfortunately it still cannot display pricing, though I’m working on it.
The Best Day of the Week
This is a good one: ” If we’re to use it rightly and call the Sabbath a delight (Isaiah 58:13), we need to think about how we can cultivate that delight instead of dread in our children’s (and our own) hearts on the Lord’s Day. Here are eight ways we can help our children view Sunday as being the best day of the week…”
Why All World Maps Are Wrong (Video)
Yup, all of them are wrong.
If Your Right Hand Causes You to Sin
Desiring God has an excellent article on masturbation. “With the blood-bought, Spirit-empowered, new-covenant work of enablement in mind, I offer the following thoughts about the practice of masturbation in the life of a believer. These are for the pursuit of holiness, that we might know how to control our own bodies in holiness and honor…”
Who Was Athanasius? (Video)
Here’s a brief video introduction to a key Christian figure, as well as suggested resources to get to know him better.
You Could Be Doing So Much
This is fun.
Mesmerizing Commute Maps
Fascinating: “Complete with colorful and compelling maps, their research shows that Americans’ commutes aren’t defined by city and state lines. Rather, commuters move within megaregions—massive blobs that center on major metropolitan areas, paying no mind to political borders.”
This Day in 1929. 87 years ago today Jerry Bridges, who served with The Navigators for sixty years and authored ‘The Pursuit of Holiness,’ was born. He died last March. *
Love Is Never a Waste
“Whatever happens, whenever it happens, your love is not in vain. You are not alone, for God loves you and has approved your love through the sacrifice of his Son. Cast off despair; cast all your cares on him. Love never fails. Love is never a waste.
Using Self-Examination for Spiritual Formation
Joe Carter: “The closing of the year and the beginning of a new one is an opportune time to reflect on our spiritual formation and to develop habits to help us become more like Jesus. In this weekly series of articles we’ll consider eight spiritual habits to develop for 2017.”
Flashback: No, I Won’t Pray For You
I’ve sometimes started to say, “No, I won’t pray for you.” I am still not entirely comfortable with it, but I think it’s the right thing to do.