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Weekend A La Carte (December 21)

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My thanks goes to Thomas Nelson for sponsoring the blog this week to let you know about the Life in Christ Bible.

Today’s Kindle deals include a few classic books. I’ll check again first thing in the morning to see what else shows up overnight.

(Yesterday on the blog: My 10 Favorite New Songs of 2024)

Chatbots Aren’t a Solution to Our Loneliness Epidemic

Some may find it inconceivable that a chatbot could be a solution to loneliness but for others it’s almost intuitive. “I suspect most middle-aged Americans had never heard of Character.AI until The New York Times ran the tragic story of how 14-year-old Sewell Setzer III committed suicide after an obsessive and toxic relationship with a character from the AI chatbot service.”

Struggling with Sexual Intimacy (Video)

In this video from CCEF, Aaron Sironi speaks to an issue that most counselors (whether formal or informal) need to deal with at one time or another.

Christmas, a Day for the Suffering

“Have you ever thought of Christmas as a day for the suffering? I never did either until I started paying more attention to the true meaning of Christmas.”

We Three Kings…

Also on the subject of Christmas, here’s an article about those three kings the Bible doesn’t mention…

What Is Total Depravity?

Do you know your doctrine? This article will refresh your memory on the doctrine of total depravity. “To say that the doctrine of total depravity is a fundamental tenet of Reformed theology would be tantamount to acknowledging that water is wet. So central, in fact, is the doctrine of total depravity to Reformed theology that R.C. Sproul described it as one of Reformed theology’s ‘core ideas.’”

The God Over Geopolitics

John Piper tells how God is sovereign over geopolitics (and everything else, of course). And he gets really excited as he tells this!

Flashback: 10 Ideas and 10 Tips for Family Devotions

With a new year dawning, many Christian families will resolve to approach family devotions with greater faithfulness in the year ahead, or perhaps even to begin family devotions for the first time…Here are 10 ideas and 10 tips that may help.

The gospel calls us to “man down” more so than to “man up.” There is no masculinity without a core of humility.

—Scotty Smith

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