I found an early review of the new movie Exodus: Gods and Kings. Not surprisingly, the movie does a terrible and downright blasphemous way of portraying God while also playing fast and loose with Scripture.
Jean Lloyd shares Seven Things I Wish My Pastor Knew About My Homosexuality.
The Gettys will be playing Carnegie Hall on Wednesday night and would love to sell it out. There are just a few seats remaining if you’re interested.
I’m kind of an airplane geek, so enjoyed this article on The Pilots of Instagram (which may just have led to disciplinary action for some of those pilots).
Thanks to Books at a Glance for sponsoring the blog this week with their article 3 Ways Christian Audio Book Summaries Will Save You Time & Money.
I’ve told you before about The Resolutions Poster. Well, right now they are offering a buy one give one deal where if you buy it, you will get a second free.