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Weekend A La Carte (December 12)


There are a couple of new reviews of Do More Better that may interest you: A Productivity Coach, Not a Guru by Paul Tautges and this review by Jeremy Walker.

On Disputable Matters

D.A. Carson writes on an issue that is always pressing. “Every generation of Christians faces the need to decide just what beliefs and behavior are morally mandated of all believers, and what beliefs and behavior may be left to the individual believer’s conscience.”

Imprint of King Hezekiah’s Seal Found in Jerusalem

Here’s a neat story from the world of biblical archeology. “The royal seal of an ancient biblical king has been unearthed near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.”

How Jane Austen’s Emma Changed the Face of Fiction

“The story of a self-deluded heroine in a small village, Jane Austen’s Emma hardly seems revolutionary. But, 200 years after it was first published, John Mullan argues that it belongs alongside the works of Flaubert, Joyce and Woolf as one of the great experimental novels.”

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Child

Here’s a sweet bit of writing that will be good for any parent to read.

This Day in 1841. 174 years ago today, J.C. Ryle was ordained in the Church of England. *

The World War 2 Meme That Circled the World

My grandfather used to draw Kilroy on every birthday or Christmas card. Now I know why.

Reformed Baptist Seminary

My gratitude goes to Reformed Baptist Seminary for sponsoring the blog this week.


We belittle God when we go through the outward motions of worship and take no pleasure in his person.

—John Piper

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