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Weekend A La Carte (August 30)

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I am grateful to Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary for sponsoring the blog this week. This blog is dependent upon sponsorships, so please do take the time to visit the sponsors.

In this little video, Tim Keller talks about how Jesus is the True & Better ___________. You can fill in the blank a hundred different ways!

Keith Mathison discusses his wife and her life with cancer. “I share all of this because until we went through it, I had no idea how much a cancer diagnosis takes over your life. In the past, any time I had read in our church bulletin of a cancer diagnosis, I prayed for the person and the family of course, but I didn’t really have any idea what they were going through. I have a better idea now.” Read Life with Cancer: One Year Later.

Timmy Brister says that our thinking about charities and ministries may focus on the wrong metrics.

Here are Top 10 Christian Songs That Also Work as Parodies of Christian Songs. If you’ve been into Christian music over the long-haul, you’ll chuckle at some of these.

Speaking of music, Thom Rainer believes that a lot of churches are moving away from having services distinguished by musical styles–contemporary, traditional, and so on. Here is an explanation.

Brad Hambrick has an online Depression-Anxiety Evaluation that may be helpful to many.


The early church didn’t say, “Look what the world is coming to!” They said, “Look what has come into the world!”

—Carl Henry

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