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Weekend A La Carte (August 19)

Check out Westminster Books for some new deals on timely books.

Yesterday I shared a review of an excellent new book: Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Eclipses

Atlas Obscura answers a host of questions about the coming eclipse.

10 Suggestions For New Bible College Students

“From one Bible college graduate to another, here’s a brief word to students beginning their education this month…”

Seminary Is Not an Oasis

“While my mind was exploring the Kingdom of Wisdom, my heart was stuck in the Doldrums. Don’t fool yourself like I did. Rhyme and reason can go missing, even at seminary—and if that happens, forget about Reality. It’s invisible by now, haunted by the Terrible Trivium.”

Rotten Apple

It’s amazing at how tech companies will bluster and virtue-signal about problems at home while willfully ignoring problems abroad.

Walking Through It: A Family Violence Survivor’s Reflection

A survivor of family violence shares about her experience. What she shares is important for church leaders and members alike.

Don’t Waste Your Commute

My favourite isn’t included on the list: sit in silence and simply think.

Hate is the New Sex

You may not agree with all you read here, but it’s certainly thought-provoking and contains some solid cultural analysis.

Flashback: What Will Be the Cost to the Church?

What will be the cost to the church if young men continue to give themselves to pornography? What do we, as Christians, stand to lose if so many of our young men continue to spend their teens and twenties in the pursuit of pornographic pleasure?

Knowing God: Discipleship

Thanks to G3 for sponsoring the blog this week.

All is not gold that glitters. All is not good that tastes sweet. All is not real pleasure that pleases for a time.

—J.C. Ryle

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