Summer is quickly winding down, isn’t it? We have two weeks of summer vacation remaining up here in Canada, and then, the day after Labour Day, life goes back to normal. As a person who is very dependent upon routine, I’m looking forward to it!
Thanks to Books at a Glance for sponsoring the blog this week. I depend upon sponsorships to balance out the expenses the blog incurs, and am grateful to Books at a Glance for their support.
I appreciate these 8 Tips for Talking To Your Kids About Sex.
Every now and again–usually a couple of times a year–Amazon puts board games on sale for 24 hours. Today’s the day for a selection of strategy games. Power Grid, Dominion, Pandemic, 7 Wonders, Diplomacy–these are some of the best games you can buy. Check out the list here.
Aileen and I visited Niddrie last year, and we each left a bit of our heart there. I love what the Lord is doing there, in calling people to respond to the gospel. He Was a Rat is a powerful testimony to God’s grace.
Joe Thorn, in his series on The Lord’s Supper, says something I fully agree with: Sip It, Don’t Dip It. “I know that some of you will read this and think that this is straining out a gnat, missing the forest for the trees, or spending too much time on a trivial matter. But in my estimation this is an important matter we should consider seriously.”
Can we really find joy in suffering? Yes, it is actually possible.
Here’s how to make the perfect paper airplane. You know you want to try it.