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Weekend A La Carte (August 15)

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The True Purpose of Microsoft Solitaire, Minesweeper, and FreeCell

This is fascinating if true. “But as fun as these games were, they weren’t actually designed for entertainment. At least not in their Windows incarnations.”

Explosions Shock China’s Tianjin Port

The Big Picture travels to the scene of devastation in China.

On This Day in 1964: Helen Roseveare was taken captive by Congolese rebels. Treated barbarically, she would later say “In my heart was an amazing peace, a realization that I was being highly privileged to be identified with [Christ] in a new way, in the way of Calvary.” I have previously written about this here. *

Should Women Be Police Officers?

Whether or not you quite agree with him, you’ll probably appreciate hearing John Piper’s attempt to sort through what the Bible says on a question like this.

Why Gay Marriage Proponents Can’t Appeal to the Abolitionist Movement

It’s a favored tactic, but it just doesn’t hold. “So, for Vines, the church was basically supportive of slavery throughout history until the 19th century, when ‘experience’ brought about a reinterpretation of Scripture. But is this a fair historical account? Most importantly, does it do justice to the authority of Scripture?”

How Does a Jellyfish Sting?

And just as importantly, what do you do about it?

Your Church Needs a Great Website

Thanks to MereChurch for sponsoring the blog this week.


The first step to mercy, is to see our own misery; the first step toward heaven, is to see ourselves near hell.

—Thomas Brooks

  • Happy Lies

    Happy Lies

    I’m quite certain you have heard of the New Age movement. Though its popularity seems to have crested and begun to wane some time ago, it continues to wield a good bit of influence. But I wonder if you’ve heard of another similarly-named but quite different movement called New Thought.

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