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Weekend A La Carte (April 30)

When Did Each of the Biblical Patriarchs Live and Die?

Justin Taylor did the work and has mapped it all out for us.

What Is the Most Expensive Object on Earth?

Now there’s a difficult question to answer. But that didn’t keep the BBC from trying.

9 Things You Should Know About Jehovah’s Witnesses

Joe Carter: “When he died last week at the age of 57, pop singer Prince was arguably the most famous Jehovah’s Witness in the world. Here are nine things you should know about the obscure religious group that emerged from the Bible Student movement in the late 1870s…”

Sydney Opera House 360°

Google gives you an amazing 360° experience capturing one of the world’s busiest performing arts centres between the acts — waking up, in rehearsal and at rest.

On Target

Mike Wittmer: “As our culture steams toward what may be its tipping point, let’s remember that sin doesn’t work. Sin never has worked. Sin cannot work. Those determined to deny God’s natural law and go their own way will inevitably fall into fifty shades of trouble.”

5 Awkward Conversations for Teens to Have With Parents

“As a teenage Christ-follower, I want to share with you five awkward and sanctifying conversations I believe every teenager and parent should have.”

Self-Promoting Wolves or Selfless Shepherds?

David Murray continues to think about spiritual abuse within the Reformed church and identifies four marks of faithful leaders.

Tomorrow in 1873. 143 years ago tomorrow (May 1), missionary and explorer David Livingstone died. *

9 Marks of a Christian Family

“What makes a Christian family distinct from a non-Christian one? Is it the number of times those in it attend church each week, or are there many more fundamental differences?” Paul Tautges answers.

4 Ways to Help your Teenagers Discover Their Identity In a Confused World

I’m grateful to Family Life for sponsoring the blog this week with “4 Ways to Help your Teenagers Discover Their Identity In a Confused World.”


The best preachers are plagiarists. All they do is tell people what God has said.

—Thabiti Anyabwile

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