Today’s Kindle deals include a hodgepodge of books that are worthy of a look.
(Yesterday on the blog: The Problem with Falling in Love)
We Must Keep the Work of Evangelism Central
Conrad Mbewe: “It is a sobering fact that every generation must be re-evangelised. We should never take today’s statistics in Africa or anywhere in the world for granted. If we do not maintain and build upon the evangelism of the previous generation we will lose ground and Christianity will dwindle despite the fact that the number of church buildings may remain the same—at least for a little while longer before they become empty and start getting sold.”
My Son’s Down Syndrome Showed Me the Real Imago Dei
I enjoyed this mother’s reflection on her precious son. “People with Down syndrome carry the image of God in guileless hearts.”
Life in the Balance in Liverpool — Alfie Evans Is Not Alone
Al Mohler: “Those who want government to take even greater responsibility and authority in health care decisions promise that government will be wiser than the rest of us. But any system that shifts authority for deciding what is in the ‘best interest of the child’ from parents to the state and its agents puts every child in danger. Any system that eliminates the rights of patients, parents, and family members to make the most urgent decisions about medical care endangers every patient. Right now, the most urgent thing most of us can do is to pray for Alfie Evans and his family and to tell his story as loudly and as clearly as we can. He is fighting for his life, breath by precious breath.” (See also Joe Carter’s What You Should Know About the Alfie Evans Controversy.)
Five Extraordinary Benefits of Pentecost
Here are just some of the benefits that are ours through the Holy Spirit.
The Consequences of Gendercide in China and India
“China and India have been practicing gendercide–that is, the systematic abortion of female babies–for decades. Now those countries are paying the price. Men in those countries, the most populous nations on earth, outnumber women by 70 million. That means 70 million men have no prospects for marriage, which is causing unforeseen social, psychological, and cultural problems.”
The Trinity Debate (2016-2017): A Selected Bibliography
Here is a thorough bibliography on the recent Trinity controversy, in case you want to get all caught up.
Death is a Vapor
“Nearly 60,000,000 people die every year on planet Earth. This is one of the things that makes human beings so bewildering. I’m not talking about the fact that people die, but the fact that they take so little time to consider death.” Indeed. It does us good to consider the inevitable.
Flashback: The Thing About Sex
The fact is that as Christians we are good at teaching what sex is not, but not nearly as skilled at teaching what sex actually is and what it is meant to be and to display. The reality is far better, far more satisfying, than so many of us believe.
The Film You Have Been Waiting For
Thanks to Reformation Heritage Books for sponsoring the blog this week with news of “The Film You Have Been Waiting for: PURITAN”