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Weekend A La Carte (April 26)

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Marriage Equality for Throuples – “The story of a female throuple in Massachusetts (with a baby on the way) provides further confirmation, as if any were needed, of the proposition that ‘ideas have consequences’.” The tide is turning fast.

A Biblical and Theological Analysis of NDE – Justin Taylor links to a helpful analysis of near death experiences.

Paperbacks – Here’s a look at how paperbacks transformed the way Americans read.

Rob Bell and Don Draper – This is quite a good article (though, based on what I know of it, I wouldn’t recommend Mad Men!). The author offers some analysis of Rob Bell and determines that he is, at heart, an advertiser. And a very good one at that.

Dorothy and Karama – I enjoyed reading this dispatch from the mission field.

When Pastors Fall – Ed Stetzer writes about pastors who fall, and the importance of full and public repentance.

CS Lewis

The surest way of spoiling a pleasure is to start examining your satisfaction.

—C.S. Lewis

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