Today’s Kindle deals include some pretty good prices on a selection of classics.
(I’m grateful to Parenting with Patience for sponsoring the blog this week! I depend upon sponsors to keep the site going, so am grateful for each one.)
(Yesterday on the blog: Gentle and Lowly)
COVID-19 Shutdowns Are Shifting Seminary Education
“Dropping enrollment. Students stressed about tuition. Professors moving classes online and offering more flexible schedules. Administrators tightening budgets and wondering how to adapt to a new paradigm for ministry. And that was before the pandemic.” CT reports on Southern Seminary and other seminaries as they respond to the crisis.
Thinking About Gathering When Churches Can’t
Here from Matt Merker is an article about why gathering is essential to church. “With Covid-19 causing churches to put public gatherings on hold, it seems like a good time to consider why Christians prioritize gathering in the first place. After all, many believers have turned to various forms of technology to encourage one another during this unusual season. We can pray for one another over the phone. We can host virtual Bible studies on Zoom. Pastors can email filmed teaching sessions to their members.”
Microsoft Word Now Flags Double Spaces as Errors
In its own subtle way, Microsoft has helped bring closure to the great double space debate. “Microsoft has settled the great space debate, and sided with everyone who believes one space after a period is correct, not two.”
Predators Are Taking Advantage of Kids at Home
It’s good for parents to be aware that all the kids using the internet at home is causing some ugly problems. “Police are warning parents across Canada that in dark corners of the internet, sexual predators are talking among themselves about how children are home all day, every day and spending more time online because of the pandemic — and they are eager to take advantage.”
Grace Music
Be sure to check out the new album by Grace Worship. (At the moment they have only a few tracks on their site, but the whole album is available at Apple Music, Spotify, etc.) The song “Christ Be All” seems to be the strongest.
The Worst Rebrand in the History of Orange Juice
Tropicana’s 2008 rebranding serve as a case study in doing it all wrong. “When Tropicana hired legendary ad agency Arnell in 2008, they surely didn’t expect that, after five months of design work, launch planning, and $35 million in marketing spend, they’d lose 20% of their revenue within a month — about $20 million total in missed sales. But that’s exactly what happened.”
Coronavirus Questions and Answers
WORLD magazine has an interview with Dr. Charles Horton who answers questions from the magazine’s readers.
Flashback: The Two Kinds of Conversation You Need To Have With Your Children
As you reduce the intimacy of your posture you can increase the intimacy of your conversation. You do this out of kindness to your child, knowing that it is easier for him or her to express or confess certain matters when not being forced to stare into the eyes of mom or dad.