About twice a year Amazon puts a lot of board games on sale. Today’s one of those days, and they’ve got a stack of strategy board games deeply discounted.
Westminster Books is offer a Free Digital Bundle of works by Vern Poythress. If you’re a scavenger like I am, you’ll want to download it and keep it.
This is kind of neat: Jeremy Bouma looked at my book The Next Story (which is now available in a second edition) and wrote an article called A Discerning Christian’s Guide to Apple Watch.
Sex, God, and a Generation Can’t Tell the Difference looks a study of Millennials and their views on sexuality. “The only thing Millennials are black-and-white on when it comes to matters of sexual morality is that you aren’t allowed to be black-and-white on sexual morality.”
This is the first I have heard of David Stratoun, one of Scotland’s martyrs. Aaron Denlinger tells his story well.
Jason Helopoulos says A Good Assistant Pastor Is Hard to Find, and offers some counsel on what an assistant pastor should be.
Thanks to HCSB for sponsoring the blog this week with their article Gender Accuracy in Bible Translation.