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Weekend A La Carte (6/9)

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Beautiful Photographs, Beautiful Cause – JT highlights the work of David Sacks. “David has recently produced a beautiful coffee table book of photographs he has taken there. It’s called True Africa. All of the proceeds go to benefit their work of partnering with churches to serve orphans in word and deed.”

Job the Film – The film adaptation of John Piper’s Job is now avaiable in the iTunes store.

Work as Worship – Why not read about work on your weekend?

When Are We Going to Grow Up? – Here’s a long but interesting article on the juvenalization of American Christianity. It applies to Canada just as much.

Congregations and Ministers – I appreciated what Paul Levy has to say to both pastors and congregations in this article. It deals with the way a pastor is compensated for his work.

False Prophet Fiasco – A fiasco indeed.

History is a story written by the finger of God.

—C.S. Lewis

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