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Weekend A La Carte (4/9)

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Rwanda Genocide – This is an interesting article from the BBC that tells about an orphanage and a couple of unsung heroes. “A modest building that now houses around 150 children, it played a key role in protecting some of those those caught up in Rwanda’s 1994 genocide, in which more than 800,000 people were killed in 100 days.”

Earth as Art – I may have posted this before. Either way, it’s worth looking at again.

Heresy or Hobby? – David Murray shares an email he received that offers some sound advice on reading.

Dora the Doormat – Mary Kassian, who has been called an “uber-complementarian” (which isn’t meant as a compliment) writes about several straw women when it comes to gender roles.

WWJD – Though the fad has long since ended, the thinking still exists. In this article Bob Glenn offers seven reasons that the WWJD mentality may be more sinister than it appears.

The Next Story – Josh Buice is writing a thorough (and thoroughly encouraging) review of my book.

The Simplest, Most Complex Commercial – I don’t much care what they’re selling; I want one just to reward their hard work.

The severest self-denials and the most lavish gifts are of no value in God’s esteem unless they are prompted by love.

—A.W. Pink

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