One more A La Carte to finish up another month. I believe I have done something like 1,300 A La Carte posts over the years. Turns out there is lots of interesting stuff to make note of! Here are a few more examples of this.
An Interview with Newton – This is kind of cool. Tony Reinke has reformatted one of Newton’s letters on spiritual depression into a kind of interview.
What Is a Library? – Be sure to read this brief article from Douglas Groothuis. “My spies tell me that a theological library, with which I am well acquainted, is often found with ‘students’ gazing at their laptops. Are they writing a paper on the New Testament or theology or even philosophy? No they are not. They are watching films.”
People in the Blogosphere – I quite enjoyed this article. “I’ve been blogging eight years, beginning with the launch of the Thinklings. In that time, I have come to identify certain blog community types. Gone is the heyday of scintillating conversation and good ol’ fashioned scrums in blog comment threads, but these folks are still around in some forms and fashions. Here are the people you meet when you’re walking down the street of the Christian blogosphere.”
Why We Love Amish Romance – I don’t love them, but I know a lot of people do.
The Royal Wedding – James MacDonald pretty much let loose on the royal couple and their wedding.
Glory Be To God – Another nice worship song. Why haven’t I ever sung this one before?