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Weekend A La Carte (3/24)

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Trayvon Martin, Race, and the Gospel – John Piper: “Racial tensions continue to rise just as I prepare to go to New York next week to talk with Anthony Bradley and Tim Keller about race and the Christian. I watched a video on Wednesday of an African American pastor who said that recently he was denied service at a convenience store. The woman behind the counter said, ‘We don’t serve your kind.’ That’s 2012 not 1962.”

They Didn’t Just Copy – Jim Hamilton notes that the ancient scribes did not always just copy their texts; sometimes they also left notes in the margins. He lists a few.

Help the Sturms – This site is dedicated to helping a missionary family in Mexico that just endured a terrifying experience. “At 9:45pm Monday night, just after our kids had fallen asleep, a man came through our kitchen window with a gun and ordered me to open the front door of our house, letting enter 4 or 5 other masked men. We were told to lay down, what little we had on our persons was taken, and my hands were tied behind my back.”

Purim – This is kind of an interesting photo gallery, showing Jews, most of them Orthodox, as they celebrate Purim.

Designs Against a Pastor – Jared Wilson plays Wormwood and writes a letter about the subtle art of undermining a pastor.

Though Christians be not kept altogether from falling, yet they are kept from falling altogether.

—William Secker

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