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Weekend A La Carte (3/16)

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When the Black Dog Howls – “The term ‘black dog’ was used by Winston Churchill to describe depression and, though it predates the British prime minister, is the sum total of familiarity most seem have with it. Regardless of who coined it, ‘black dog’ is as apt a descriptor of the frustrating experience of depression as there is. Ask anyone who deals with it regularly.”

Hallel Psalms – Cardiphonia crowd sources songs around a certain theme and then releases them as albums. “‘Hallel Psalms’ is our sixth ‘flash mob’ compilation. This collection of songs meditates on Psalms 113-118 often called the ‘Egyptian Hallel.’ They were traditionally sung during passover, were sung by the disciples at the last supper, and make a fantastic set of texts to guide worship and devotion during Holy Week (March 25-30).”

A Web of Wisdom – Jeremy Walker has put together a whole series of articles on using social media well. “Can we use social media to the glory of God? That question drives the answers to the may and the must of social media engagement. I think that, were he available to offer an opinion, the apostle Paul would suggest, in essence, that we may use social media and that, if we do, we must do so to the glory of God.”

Transubstantiation – C. Michael Patton offers give reasons that he rejects the doctrine of transubstantiation.

Chinese Abortions – “Chinese doctors have performed more than 330m abortions since the government implemented a controversial family planning policy 40 years ago, according to official data from the health ministry.”

How sweet is rest after fatigue! How sweet will heaven be when our journey is ended.

—George Whitefield

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