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Weekend A La Carte (3/10)

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Discipleship 101 – Here is just one way you can go about discipling a brand new believer. “There are two men in their 20s who came to faith in Christ in recent weeks through the ministry of our church. I’m discipling these guys right now. I baptized them a few weeks ago. One of the core ways I’m discipling them is through weekly Bible reading meetings. This is how I do it…”

Cameron’s Deep Dive – In the coming weeks James Cameron is taking a dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, earth’s deepest point. He and National Geographic have the details.

Albatross Bookmarks – These look amazing. (HT)

Learn to Use the Internet – Here’s what looks like an interesting concept: a site that will teach you to use the latest and greatest tools on the Internet (Pinterest, for example). “Through a mix of video, quizzes, takeaways and other media, we provide instruction and guidance geared toward saving time, reducing confusion, and driving real results. We call it action-oriented learning.”

Church Planting – J.D. Payne: “For too long we have been guilty of making church planting a ministry for only the high capacity, high caliber leaders. These are the individuals that I describe as the 8-, 9-, 10-caliber leaders. Now, while I am all for equipping and mobilizing such church planters (I have done this many times over the past decade.), the reality is that such leaders are a minority in the Body of Christ. They are greatly needed for Kingdom advancement–but still a minority.”

A man may be theologically knowing and spiritually ignorant.

—Stephen Charnock

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