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Weekend A La Carte (2/9)

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The God of Job – Carl Trueman: “Do we make too much of suffering? Is depression sinful? Is it always the result of personal sin? Or poor preaching? Or defective theology and unbalanced homiletic emphases? I am convinced that this is not so. Once one moves in that direction, one is positing a tight and necessary connection between personal issues and specific suffering. That is not biblical and is pastorally very dangerous.”

Anger – “Many solid resources address the issue of how to deal with anger. Here are just a few to consider for personal study, one-to-one discipleship counseling, and your small group.”

An Emotional Return – I really enjoyed this touching article from Conrad Mbewe as he describes returning to his childhood home.

35,000 Prayers – This is a pretty amazing moment from a recent True Woman conference.

Ultra Ever Dry – Arthur C. Clarke once said “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Ultra Ever Dry looks like witchcraft to me!

Cherishing Virginity – Jared Wilson asks “How Do We Cherish Virginity Without Moralistic Fearmongering?” If you haven’t seen Matt Chandler’s “Jesus wants the rose!” clip, you ought to.

One-Man Crime Wave – I love what the Lord is doing at Niddrie Community Church. Here is a baptism testimony of a former one-man crime wave.

The Father did not strip the Son of His eternal glory but the Son agreed to lay it aside temporarily for the sake of our salvation.

—R.C. Sproul

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