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Weekend A La Carte (2/25)

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To Praise Bands – James Smith recently penned an interesting and controversial letter to praise bands. I don’t agree with all he said, but I do appreciate the way he has stimulated my thoughts on the matter. It’s a conversation worth having.

The Land of My Heritage – Luma Simms has an article on her family’s heritage in Iraq, a nation they fled in the ’70’s.

Landscapes – This is an amazing photo gallery of landscapes. I don’t think you need to connect on Google+ in order to view it.

I Asked the Lord – This is a lesser-known hymn from Newton, but a very powerful one.

Slum Dwellers – “One billion people worldwide live in slums, a number that will likely double by 2030. The characteristics of slum life vary greatly between geographic regions, but they are generally inhabited by the very poor or socially disadvantaged. Slum buildings can be simple shacks or permanent and well-maintained structures but lack clean water, electricity, sanitation and other basic services.” The Big Picture has a photo gallery.

Born that Way? – Stand to Reason offers a way to engage with people who say “I was just born this way.”

4 Preaching Tips – “I have never met a preacher who did not want to increase the effectiveness of his sermon. The question is where to start? We often, and rightly so, head over towards the practical application of the Word itself. We spend more time praying, reading, studying, writing, and thinking. These are good and right. I encourage all of this. But the focus of this post is a little different.”

A God who could pardon without justice might one of these days condemn without reason.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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