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Weekend A La Carte (1/7)

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The Bible in Norway – “The UK’s 2011 bestseller lists might have been dominated by cookery, courtesy of Jamie Oliver, and romance, courtesy of David Nicholls, but Norwegian readers were plumping for another sort of book last year: the Bible. The first Norwegian translation of the Bible for 30 years topped the country’s book charts almost every week between its publication in October and the end of the year”

Partisan Politicis vs Vicious Assaults – I know nothing about Rick Santorum but I was saddened to hear of how certain members of the media have been mocking him for decisions made at his lowest point.

Fast Food Ads vs Reality – I’ve seen a few web sites that point out the difference between fast food ads and reality. I always enjoy them!

National Geographic Photo Contest – Here are the winners of National Geographic’s 2011 photography contest. Not surprisingly, there are some beautiful photos there.

What Is the Unpardonable Sin? – R.C. Sproul writes about the unpardonable sin. It’s important to read to the end: “As for those who are not sure they are saved and are worried they may have committed the unpardonable sin, I would say that worrying about it is one of the clearest evidences that they have not committed this sin, for those who commit it are so hardened in their hearts they do not care that they commit it. Thanks be to God that the sin that is unpardonable is not a sin He allows His people to commit.”

Unnatural Selection – Canada’s The Globe and Mail writes about “a whole new approach to baby-making, one that gives people an unprecedented power to preview, and pick, the genetic traits of their prospective children.”

The devil is content that people should excel in good works, provided he can but make them proud of them.

—William Law

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