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Weekend A La Carte (11/26)

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No End to Eurogedden – I found this article rather interesting, and particularly the distinction made between the 2 sides of the Euro divide. “In effect, there is already two currencies: the ‘Lutheran Euro,’ characterized by Germany, the Netherlands and Finland. The label has nothing to do with religion but with countries that are based on Protestant work ethic, discipline and thrift. Then there is the ‘Latin Euro,’ characterized by France, Italy, Spain and Portugal where style is often more important than substance and hard work can be a curiosity.” Could you also divide that by Protestant and Catholic?

A Grumpy Old Lady – Mary Kassian shares a lesson she learned from a grumpy old lady.

How Reading Has Changed – This article looks at the ways reading has evolved in 2011 (or online reading, at least). I think one of the more fascinating and hopeful developments is the growth of social reading.

Sleep vs Internet – “The internet reaches into so many areas of our lives that one in four people now spend longer online than they do asleep, a survey has revealed.”

A Muslim Challenges Ravi – Ravi answers a challenging question.

That every person should grow up and do evil can be no coincidence. It calls for an explanation.

—John Gerstner

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