Initiating and Declining – This is a very good article from Brad Hambrick. He talks about initiating and declining sex within marriage and offers some sound, practical counsel.
Better Selfies – Here are 4 quick tips for taking better selfies.
9 Things About Down Syndrome – Joe Carter: “October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Here are nine things you should know about the condition.”
Greatest Innovations Since the Wheel – Lists like this are always a little bit silly, but interesting nonetheless.
The Elusive President – I enjoyed this article at the New York Times about JFK and the surprising lack of good biographies of the man. “An estimated 40,000 books about him have been published since his death, and this anniversary year has loosed another vast outpouring. Yet to explore the enormous literature is to be struck not by what’s there but by what’s missing. Readers can choose from many books but surprisingly few good ones, and not one really outstanding one.”
Redeeming Social Media – I enjoyed this interview with Nathan Bingham as he discusses Christians, ministry, and social media.