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Weekend A La Carte (10/19)

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Why You Should Care – Thabiti Anyabwile on Strange Fire: “An honest discussion on this topic entails a number of uncomfortable admissions. And, perhaps it’s our inability or unwillingness to admit these things that hinder our discussion as much as anything else. We feel the stakes but we don’t want to face the stakes. For some people, this conference forces some difficult admissions, admissions we’d be happier not to concede. But, that, too, is reason to care about the issue and engage prayerfully. Consider what’s at stake.”

A Theology of Book Purging – I quite enjoyed this: “A Concise Theology of Voluntary, Principled Book Purging.”

Comfort and Contentment – Darryl Dash wonders about the difference between being comfortable and being contented.

5 Things Students Should Know – Louis Betty is an assistant professor of French at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater who recently wrote an article titled “5 Things You Don’t Have the Guts to Tell Your Students.” It’s worth a read.

Does God Listen to Rap? – I know some of you are fans of Christian rap, so I thought you might enjoy reading the first chapter of this book, which Cruciform Press will release on November 1.

Can I Vent? – “Have you ever asked someone that? Or been asked that? … We weren’t really looking for advice, we were just venting. Venting is not looking for counsel. It’s mostly just complaining.”

Iconic Goals – Here are twelve iconic World Cup goals and the stories behind them.

We complain today that ministers do not know how to preach; but is it not equally true that our congregations do not know how to hear?

—J.I. Packer

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