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Weekend A La Carte (10/12)

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Appreciating Our Differences – There is value in reading this article about appreciating differences in marriage; there may be a bit more value in actually filling out the assessment and talking it over.

A Slow Death to the Soul – I think the best part of Mez McConnell’s article on mercy ministry comes near the end when he says, “It is staggering but true that many churches just haven’t thought about what they are going to do with somebody who comes to faith through their mercy ministry. What is the discipleship strategy? Who will care for them? Who will hold them accountable? How will we move them forward in their walk with Jesus? How will we prepare them for whatever ‘work of service’ God has called them to?”

Gladwell’s Return to Faith – Here’s a short and interesting interview with bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell who describes a return to faith. (He grew up in a Mennonite home not far from where I live.)

Real Men Journal, Too – Writing for CBMW, Ivan Mesa offers seven reasons men should consider keeping a journal.

Harvest 2013 – It’s Thanksgiving weekend up here in Canada, so this harvest photo gallery seems appropriate.

Judgement, Salvation & the Living and the Dead – You may enjoy this sermon jam featuring Dick Lucas.

The Grace of Repenting to Your Kids – Do not be afraid of repenting to and in front of your children; they will respect you more, not less.

God’s heart, not mine, is the measure of his giving; not my capacity to receive, but his capacity to give.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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