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Sunday Bonus A La Carte

This was one of those rare weeks in which I collected so many great links that I couldn’t bring myself to toss any of them. For that reason I’m adding a bonus Sunday A La Carte which I think you’ll offers lots of great reading.

God Does Not Despise the Small Things

Ed Welch: “I have often mused, How does anything ever get done? How do I ever get anything done? By taking the next little step in a day of small things, by placing the next stone into place. The Maker of heaven and earth has determined to have us partner with him in his plans, and he is pleased to set a pace for us that seems very human.”

On Permanent Birth Control

John Piper answers a question about permanent forms of birth control and begins in an interesting way: “The older I get, the more skeptical I become of the freedom I think I have from being formed by my own culture. Let me put it in another way. The older I get, the more suspicious I become that I am more a child of my historical and cultural circumstances than I once thought I was.”

A turn for the worse

WORLD magazine has a review of Turning Red that makes for good reading. “With Turning Red, Pixar abandons decades of nuanced storytelling and warms over Disney’s clichéd advice to follow your heart. The studio challenged this messaging 10 years ago with Brave.”

Our Bodies Tell Us What We Are

I invariably benefit from reading Samuel James.

No place is perfect, but we can love what is good about it nonetheless

“Churches, much like places to live, are rarely perfect. Churches, much like places to live, will have things to love about them and things we wish were there that aren’t. Churches, much like places to live, can be properly loved by us despite their not being able to do everything we might like all of the time.”


  • Happy Lies

    Happy Lies

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