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A La Carte (October 28)


Today’s Kindle deals include: NIV Lifehacks Bible edited by Joe Carter, Unveiling Grace by Lynn Wilder, and The Spurgeon Series edited by Larry Pierce. You can find them all at the dedicated Kindle deals page.

How Will We Live Now?

Al Mohler remembers Schaeffer’s classic 40 years after it appeared. “While most evangelicals were watching Gunsmoke and taking their kids to the newly opened Walt Disney World, Schaeffer was listening and watching as a new worldview was taking hold of the larger culture.”

Playing with History

Here’s a longform article about what I consider the greatest gaming franchise ever: Sid Meier’s Civilization. (And what are the chances that two articles in a day would refer to Kenneth Clark’s series Civilization? I wonder if Dr. Mohler plays the game…)

Luther’s Justification Story

Jen Thorn offers a retelling of Luther’s parable of justification.

Autumn in Colorado

Go full screen and HD to enjoy the beauty of Colorado’s autumn through this video.

The Blessing of Being Uncomfortable

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about comfort. Rich Holdeman’s article is challenging.

Husbands: Miscarriage Is Your Tragedy Too

Here’s a timely word for husbands whose wives have suffered a miscarriage.

Semper Reformanda

Kevin DeYoung writes about the oft-misused phrase semper reformanda and tells how it should not be used.

This Day in 1949. 67 years ago today Jim Eliot wrote his most famous saying in his journal: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” *

Burj Khalifa – How To Build Higher

You might be interested in this video that tells how Burj Khalifa is a marvel of engineering.

Reading and Writing for the Glory of God

Josh Buice recently interviewed me on reading and writing. You can click and read if you’re interested.

Lifeway Stops Selling Hatmaker Books

“Jen Hatmaker’s recent remarks affirming LGBT relationships have lost her bestselling books a place on the shelves of LifeWay Christian Stores.”

Flashback: The Safe Place for Our Kids’ Shameful Questions

One of the facts I’ve learned since writing a book on pornography, and since having the opportunity to write articles for various sites and publications, is that children today are taking their innocent questions to Google and, all too often, receiving decidedly non-innocent answers.

Do not be guided by providences when you are refusing to be guided by God’s Word.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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