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A La Carte (October 21)

I’ve got just one new Kindle deal today: Jim Cromarty’s biography of Hudson Taylor, It Is Not Death to Die. You may want to run back through this week’s other deals as there were some good ones.

Scientists Admit Limit to Human Life Span

WORLD: “Scientists are just beginning to believe what the Bible tells us in Genesis 6:3. ‘Then the Lord said, ‘My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.’’ With that, God declared there would be no more Methuselahs, and new research published in the journal Nature is bearing that out.”

When There is Unexplained Distance in a Friendship

This is true: “Christians, especially in friendship, avoiding the hard conversations is far more wounding than having them!”

5 Things the Seeker Movement Got Right

Jared Wilson gives credit where it’s due. “Actually, these are more like five ‘right ideas’ or five ‘right tracks’ the ‘seeker sensitive’ church growth movement started down before it veered hard into a fuller blown consumerism and became the attractional church.”

Millennial International

This is a pretty clever video. “Millennial International is a sponsor based program designed to help Millennials live the lives they portray on Instagram.”

A Loving God and the Existence of Hell

Randy Alcorn: “I personally have studied the doctrine of Hell in the hopes of being able to come either to a position of universalism, or at very least the doctrine of annihilation. Unfortunately, I have not been able to do so and stay true to the Scripture I see.”

Are You Listening?

Are you listening to God as he speaks through his Word? I enjoyed this reflection…

Marks of a Healthy Church. Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman of 9Marks have partnered with Ligonier to create a teaching series surveying the marks of a healthy church. You can watch the first message for free here.

Do You Get Nervous Before You Preach?

A surprising number of preachers–even veterans–get nervous before they preach.

10 Leadership Questions

Here are 10 solid leadership questions (though they may be a bit oversold as the greatest leadership questions ever asked!).

Squadron of Hope

There is some stunning underwater footage in this video from Indonesia.

Flashback: Lessons Learned at Strange Fire

These were final reflections on the Strange Fire conference.

God delights to exalt the humble and to humble the exalted.

—D.A. Carson

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