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A La Carte (Thanksgiving Edition)

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The Cool Pastor: Oxymoron or Just Moron? – “I had to do a double-take when I saw the tour bus. There it was, idling softly in the parking lot, with the pastor’s name and newest book title emblazoned large–in bright yellow letters–across either side. Being advertised on that conspicuous rolling billboard was a ‘special evening,’ (no doubt repeated dozens of times in select cities across the nation) with the newest ‘it’ pastor.”

Take Time to Give Thanks – “What are you doing to ready your heart for Thanksgiving? Regardless of the kind of year you’ve had, Scripture teaches us to see all circumstances—good and bad—as an opportunity to give thanks. That’s easier said than done, however. How are we to spot these good and perfect gifts that have come down to us from the Father of Lights? Below are three simple instructions for preparing your heart to give thanks this Thanksgiving…”

Story of the Bass – This video series on instruments has been fascinating. Here they look at the bass.

African Safari – Here’s an amazing photo gallery of an African safari.

Happy Thanksgiving From R.C. Sproul – “How much thanks do you give each year? In this special two-part message, R.C. Sproul reminds us of what is missing from so many Thanksgiving feasts and the fundamental sin we are guilty of everyday.” It’s free for the day.

Why Do Pastors Get a Housing Allowance? – “Last week a federal judge ruled that the long standing practice of churches (and synagoges, mosques, dioceses, etc.) giving their pastors a housing allowance was unconstitutional. This story is likely to pick up steam in the media, and my experience with this topic is that most people (including many elders and pastors) have no idea how housing allowances work, or why they are there to begin with.”

The Many Marriages of Henry VIII – Timothy Paul Jones takes a look at how the many marriages of Henry VIII changed the history of Christianity.


Doctrine is only the drawing of the bow; application is hitting the mark.

—Thomas Manton

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