If per chance you’ve been waiting to buy Seasons of Sorrow, you’ll currently find it 25% off in Logos format and just $3.99 in Kindle format.
Thoughts on Improving Baptisms
Jim Elliff has some good and helpful thoughts on improving a church’s practice of baptism. (This one is largely for those who practice believer’s baptism.)
Why Most Anglican Clergy Now Approve Gay Marriage—and What This Means for the Future of the Church
Carl Trueman writes about new battle lines within the visible church. “To affirm the resurrection might have made you look like a benighted fool, but societies generally tolerate benighted fools. To oppose our current Western cultural regime, where sexual identity is key to personal value, is to deny the humanity of fellow citizens. The world sees that as a deeply immoral act, and not one that will likely be tolerated forever.”
Can a Christian Have Mental Illness?
“Some Christians believe that Christians cannot have mental illness. If a professing Christian is depressed, anxious, or bipolar, they think it’s because they are not a real Christian, or that there is some terrible sin they haven’t repented of, or that they need to repent of the depression or whatever the problem is. Nearly half (48 percent) of evangelicals believe that serious mental illness can be overcome with prayer and Bible study alone.”
Being Involved in Church as a Teen
Younger Christians may benefit from this one as Laura offers some ideas on being involved in church as a teen.
How to Pray in a Busy World
“The pace of life seems faster than ever. As Christians, we face increasing challenges in prioritizing our prayer life. How can we navigate the complexities of life with faithfulness in prayer? How can we pray when we are so busy?” Erik has counsel for you.
Answering Children
There is so much that parenthood teaches us about God.
Flashback: The Curse of a Godly Wife
You don’t need to be godlier than your wife. You just need to own your sin and inadequacy, and to do those things God calls you to do.