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A La Carte (September 8)

Today’s Kindle deals include : Everyday Prayers by Scotty Smith, Presbyterian and Reformed Churches by James McGoldrick, Still Growing by Kirk Cameron, Why Won’t They Listen? by Ken Ham, and When Missions Shapes the Mission by David Horner.

Andy Stanley and Old Liberalism

David Prince tells how Andy Stanley’s recent comments and sermons show that he is teaching the old, familiar liberalism.

Three Ways of Looking at Pastoral Ministry

David Murray gives three different ways to understand the qualifications of those who would be pastors.

Why Paper Cuts Hurt So Much

Why do those little cuts hurt so bad? BBC explains.

What Happens to Those Who Never Hear the Gospel?

Matt Smethurst takes on this difficult question. “The man on the island. Perhaps you’ve encountered him in a friend’s argument against Christianity. Maybe you’ve even voiced the objection yourself. How could a good and loving God condemn to hell someone who’s never heard of him?”

5 Distinctives of Biblical Leadership

Even if you just read the headings on this one you’ll get a good overview of what makes biblical leadership different from any and every other kind.

This Day in 1636. 380 years ago today Massachusetts Puritans founded Harvard College, America’s first higher education institution, with the intent of training future ministers. *

What Does the Bible Say About Transgenderism?

Kevin DeYoung: “In short, the Bible teaches that God made us male or female, and no matter our own feelings or confusion, we should act in accordance with the biological reality of God’s good design. Transgenderism falls short of the glory of God and is not the way to walk in obedience to Christ.” He builds his case via three building blocks.

Beauty Out of Ashes

Paul Tautges shares some sweet, encouraging words from Jerry Bridges.

Flashback: The Curse of a Godly Wife

On further reflection, I should probably have put the word “curse” within quotation marks.

Today we’ll either fix our eyes adoringly on Jesus, selfishly on ourselves, or critically on others. Let’s choose wisely!

—Scotty Smith

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