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A La Carte (September 7)

There are all kinds of Kindle deals to sort through today from a variety of authors and publishers.

This week’s deal from Westminster Books is on what looks like an important title that provides a biblical perspective on psychiatric diagnoses and medications.

(Yesterday at the blog I shared an article called The Duty of Introspection.)

What is God Saying to Us?

“Understandably, people are trying to make sense of these devastating natural disasters. ‘What is God saying to us?’ is the question of the hour. Many of the responses are less than satisfying. Some are extremely unhelpful. As I have listened to these suggestions, Martin Luther’s wise counsel keeps ringing in my ears; ‘Let the man who would hear God speak, read holy Scripture.’”

An Open Letter to the Sexual Sufferer

David Powlison pens an open letter to those who have suffered sexual harm.

Restoring Fallen Leaders

Randy Alcorn asks whether we are shooting the wounded or acting in love when we refuse to quickly restore fallen leaders back to ministry.

Instruction and Parenting

“How do we teach and instruct? It’s something that we can’t not do. We can’t ignore this clear command. We’re called to impress God’s truths deeply on the hearts of our kids (Deut 6.4-9). Come my children listen to me and I will teach you the fear of the Lord (Ps 34.11). So what does this teaching and instruction look like? I want to provide 7 brief descriptions of our parental instruction to our children.”

Ignore Spiritual “Get Rich Quick” Schemes

“How does a church get its members invested in the Great Commission like that? It’s a question many church leaders ask themselves. We know Christians are called to take the gospel to the nations, yet often it’s challenging to get people motivated about evangelistic work in faraway places.”

Churchgoing Is Beautiful

Trevin Wax responds to some new findings on churchgoing and proposes a way forward. “The percentage of American Protestants who attend church every week has held steady since the 1970’s. But churches report smaller numbers of Christians in worship each week. What’s going on?”

Add Spontaneity to Your Evangelism

This is a wise word from Josh Buice: “As Christians, we’re commissioned by Christ to go and make disciples, but we often turn such practices into a 3-4 step program rather than a natural way of communication and personal interaction. Maybe you are finding yourself lost in how to get involved in sharing the gospel? Why not add some spontaneity to your evangelism?”

Flashback: Is It Okay Deliberately Not To Have Children?

Is it okay deliberately not to have children? Is it okay for a married couple to deliberately determine that they will not at least attempt to have biological children?

Men fall in private long before they fall in public.

—J.C. Ryle

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