Today’s Kindle deals include a whole collection of books by Tim Chester plus a few other deals. Also, Amazon has a selection of general market books on sale for Labor Day.
You’ll want to check out these deals from Logos. There are lots of great resources discounted for September.
Always Looking; Never Wanting to Find
This is a valid observation: “It’s cool to search for God, but uncool to find him. People talk about wanting to find spiritual reality and deeper meaning, about wanting to get in touch with God. The idea of looking for him sounds good—the search, the journey—but the reality of actually finding him is too much.”
Google and Facebook’s Biggest Weapon
“Smartphone apps account for half of all time spent with digital media, according to comScore’s Mobile apps report, and two companies own the overwhelming majority of the most-trafficked apps: Google and Facebook.”
Ligonier’s Christian Internet Radio
Are you looking for trustworthy teaching and preaching, as well as daily news briefs, music, and more? Download the free RefNet app and hear from Alistair Begg, Steve Lawson, John MacArthur, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, and many others. (Sponsored link)
Why Some Plants Have Huge Leaves and Others Have Tiny Ones
“After analyzing data from 7,670 kinds of plants around the world, researchers determined that the main driver of leaf size for plants in most places is actually the difference between the temperature of the leaf itself and the air around it—and how that changes between hot days and frosty nights.”
Why I, Peter Jones, Signed the Nashville Statement on Sexuality
“The Nashville Statement clearly places in public view the biblical teaching on sexuality in a time of enormous sexual experimentation and ideological confusion. To be specific, we are now seeing two areas of human life merging, namely sexuality and spirituality.”
10 Unfair Expectations of Pastors’ Wives
It’s important to remember there is no biblical office of “pastor’s wife!”
Making Burdens Light (Without Making Light of Burdens)
“As the community of believers, as God’s family, we lift each other up again. In Christ, we are joined together and rise to become a holy temple in the Lord (Eph 2:21). It’s a lovely image—but is it realistic? Jesus’ burden is light, but sometimes we feel like the burdens of our brothers and sisters are heavy.”
10 Family Worship Ideas for Busy Families
Maybe September is an ideal time to renew or refresh your family worship.
Flashback: Why I Love to Read Non-Christian Books
As a Christian reader, my task, my challenge, and my joy, is to read with discernment, to subtract what is opposed to a Christian worldview, and to bind together the pieces through distinctly Christian thinking. As I grow in knowledge and understanding that task becomes both easier and more rewarding.