There are some Kindle deals today that are worth taking a look at.
(Yesterday on the blog: The Duties Required by the Ninth Commandment in a Social Media World)
Hospitality Doesn’t Have to Be a Burden
“I want to encourage you to let go of the heavy expectations that you think are placed on you by others, or you have perhaps placed on yourself. You can craft hospitality in your own unique way—even in a way that is life-giving to you. What can you do? What sounds fun? What sounds possible in this season? Do that.”
Lord, Keep Me Weeping
This little slice of life is difficult to read. “Is it ever okay to put my headphones in to drown out the constant strain of yelling that surrounds our home? Is it okay for me to look the other way while a grown man beats a whimpering child? Is there ever a reprieve from the wailing at funerals, the violence, the fighting, the disease, and the death that surround us in this place? Is there a time to just send someone away saying, ‘Be warm and filled’?”
Should Christians Invest in the Stock Market? (Video)
In a recent video Dr. Hershael York explained why Christians should not gamble. In this follow-up, he tells why investing is not the same as gambling.
The True Sexual Revolution
This author makes some very interesting observations about the sexual revolution. “Somewhere along the way, this sexual revolution became hijacked by a group of reactionaries. It stopped calling out the sins of its generation in order to promote something better. It started focusing, instead, on how to bring sexual taboos into the open. That’s how we have come to a place today where virtually no form of sexual practice is taboo, while crossing any of those last taboos is a sin that can never be forgiven.”
We Won’t Miss Anything in the New Creation
“Most of our questions about what the eternal state will be like must await its arrival for answers. But of this we can be assured: In the presence of our risen Savior and Lord, there will be no looking back longingly to the present order and whatever pleasures about which we might now be tempted to think, ‘It doesn’t get any better than this!’”
Rebuilding Parental Authority
Are you building relationship with your children? “So, to fulfill our parental responsibilities, we need to prioritize building devoted relationships with our children that display care, sacrificial giving, genuine compassion, and being for them. The more gracious and godly authority we exhibit, the more our children will desire to follow and submit to it.”
What Church Would Say Of You, “We Know You Love Us”?
Don Whitney: “The New Testament repeatedly indicates that anyone who does not love the church does not belong to the church, that is, the body of Christ. In other words, anyone who does not love the church that Jesus loves is not a follower of Christ.”
Flashback: The Days I Need the Gospel Least
The gospel has great power when preached proactively. As it reminds me of God’s favor toward me, it gives me the power to live this day overwhelmed by love and grace. As it reminds me of his favor, it generates the humility that allows me to live humbly before both God and man. The days I am convinced that I need the gospel least are undoubtedly the days I need it most.