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A La Carte (September 27)

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The God of love and peace be with you, my friends.

Today’s Kindle deals include options for Christian living, theology, biography, and more.

Rome’s Seven Deadly Errors

John Piper lays out “the reasons we should be seriously concerned with Roman Catholic teaching — and that, at numerous levels, its contradictory stance toward Scripture produces, I think, a kind of religion that I fear has led many people astray, even into destruction. And I do not mean that Roman Catholicism has a corner on that kind of misleading teaching. There are lots of brands of so-called ‘Christian’ tradition that have damaged people by the errors that they represent.”

Interrogating the Man of God Phenomenon in Africa

I have long been fascinated with the “Man of God” phenomenon that is so common across Africa. This article explains and interrogates it.

The Uncarnation of Christ?

J.A. Medders cautions us not to inadvertently “uncarnate” Christ. “Our flesh and the devil are happy to uncarnate Christ—to reduce him to doctrinal points we affirm and then ignore him. But spiritual theology rejoices over Christ—his person and work—as our divine and personal Savior, Lord, and Friend.”

5 Things You Should Know About Hell

This article from Ligonier offers five crucial things you ought to know about hell. “Because the subject of hell is difficult to contemplate, many inside and outside the church have sought to soften the idea, for how can a loving God send people to such a miserable place? But God hasn’t asked us to get Him off the hook for hell, and He doesn’t permit such a softening.”

Praise and Purity

Matthew Westerholm writes about praise and purity. It’s specifically for people who are involved in leading worship, but pertains to the rest of us as well.

Four Ways Self-Pity Distorts Your Perception of Reality

Here’s a brief but illuminating look at the common sin of self-pity.

Flashback: Never Be Discouraged and Never Be a Discourager

Sometimes in our interactions with others we focus on what is false, vile, and base rather than what is true, lovely, and worthy of praise…Then our sinfulness overflows from our hearts and manifests itself in words and deeds that hurt or hinder those we are called to love. 

Jesus does not look for people who are perfect and have never failed or made mistakes to be in his family. Instead, he is drawn toward people who recognize their failures and see their need for him.

—Nancy Guthrie

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