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A La Carte (September 26)


Today’s Kindle deals include a number of study Bibles.

Westminster Books has some good deals on books meant to help parents in their task.

(Yesterday on the blog: Entertainment Choices and Compromise)

Supernatural Comfort When the Days are Dark

Jared Wilson: “This is perhaps the chief way the Holy Spirit comforts us in our afflictions. He reminds us of what Christ has done for us. And this is not because the Spirit is at a loss as to how to encourage us.”

7 Facts About Christianity and the Transgender Debate

“In my interaction with pastors and churches over the past several years, I’ve found that there are certain questions that arise regularly, the answers to which are enormously helpful to Christians wishing to be effective witnesses in our transgender moment. Here are seven of those questions, along with brief answers.”

The House Centipede is Fast, Furious, and Just So Extra (Video)

I don’t even know what “so extra” means. But I still enjoyed the video about a creepy crawly you’ve often seen around your house.

Our Verseless Bibles

No, this isn’t heresy. “Let me offer you a warning that will vastly improve your ability to understand Scripture, if you heed it. It’s a insight for every person who has ever asked, ‘How does this verse apply to my life?’ Here it is: There are no verses in the Bible. Nope. Not a one. At least, not in the original, and that’s the Bible that matters.”

The Capitulation of Azusa Pacific University

I think we can expect to see much more of this in the days to come. “America’s Christian colleges and universities are increasingly finding themselves at the forefront of America’s culture wars over sex and sexual identity. With the threat of lawsuits, access to federal and state funding, and accreditation at stake, some have chosen to sacrifice their distinct, Christian identity and acquiesce to the demands of the culture. The latest to capitulate on this front is Azusa Pacific University.”

Say it in a Sentence

This is a helpful practice for preaching and, to be honest, most other forms of communication. If you can’t say it in a sentence, you probably don’t really know what you’re trying to say.

Should We Baptize Infants?

I’ve been around my fellow Baptists long enough to know we aren’t always fair in our understanding of our brothers and sisters who hold to an paedobaptist position. This article has a link to a forthcoming debate on the issue and lots of links to articles that will better explain the position.

Flashback: Christian Men and Their Video Games

Gamers are an easy target and a lot of people line up to take their swings. It’s not that gaming isn’t without its downsides, of course…But it’s not beyond redemption, not beyond what we can enjoy. Today I want to offer a few simple points about gaming and gamers.

Most Christians salute the sovereignty of God but believe in the sovereignty of man.

—R.C. Sproul

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