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A La Carte (September 26)

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Westminster Books is offering a deal on the 31-Day Devotional for Life series which has a new volume on depression written by Ed Welch. It’s a very good series that has now grown to 26 volumes spanning many different subjects. Don’t forget WTS also has Paul Tripp’s new devotional Everyday Gospel on sale. It comes as a standalone or integrated into an ESV Bible.

Today’s Kindle deals include some excellent titles: Gun Lap by Robert Wolgemuth is timely; He Will Be Enough by Katie Faris is comforting; Love Like You Mean it by Bob Lepine is challenging.

(Yesterday on the blog: John Mark Comer and Practicing The Way)

Lessons From Mark Dever’s 30 Years at Capitol Hill Baptist Church

I found lots of interesting takeaways from this article about Mark Dever’s 30 years (so far) at Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

Should Christians Bet on Sports?

Sports betting has become huge business and lots of Christians are being tempted or drawn in. This article from DG asks whether Christians should participate. While you won’t be surprised by the answer, I think you’ll be helped by some of the reasoning.

What Can Early Christians Teach Us About Living in a Hostile Culture?

Michael Kruger looks to early Christians to help us learn how to live in a hostile culture.

Is There a Better Way to Respond When Sin Is Exposed?

Aaron Armstrong: “When a person’s sin is exposed, it is simultaneously tragic and a good thing. The tragic aspect is that evil of any sort has been perpetrated. People have been hurt. Trust has been violated. Harm has been done. Sin is never victimless because it doesn’t exist in a vacuum, something we’re reminded of every time the sin of a Christian with any degree of notoriety is exposed.”

Al Mohler on a Preacher’s Downfall

Al Mohler recently spoke about the downfall of a popular preacher. Since he chose not to name that individual, I am doing the same. Mohler’s comments are helpful and challenging.

Are Christians Prohibited From Getting Tattoos? (Leviticus 19)

Wayne Grudem answers a common question: Does Leviticus 19 prohibit Christians from getting tattoos?

Flashback: Christian Men and Their Video Games

There is little intrinsic value in gaming. For most of us it is merely entertainment. But that doesn’t make it wrong.

When the time comes for you to die, you need not be afraid, because death cannot separate you from God’s love.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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