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A La Carte (September 25)


Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

I dug up a number of new Kindle deals that may be of interest.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Pastoral Prayer About Labor and Rest)


I love Kristin’s reflection on grandparenting. “This is miles apart from mothering. At first blush, you would not think so: filling sippy cups, opening snacks, picking up toys, readying baths, reading books, kissing those chunky cheeks, swinging, collecting rocks, frolicking, and singing.”

Your Faithfulness Affects Us All: A Plea to Empty Nesters to Continue to Pursue Their Marriages

This article is perhaps somewhat related to the last one. “The majority of my marriage counseling is with empty nester and retired couples, a common trend. The problems that are often swept under the rug while the kids are at home have a nasty way of coming back with a vengeance after the kids have left the home. The call to pursue your husband or wife is just as crucial three or five decades into marriage as it is in the first couple of decades of your covenant. Here are three ways to pursue faithfulness in marriage during your empty nest years.”

New ‘Gospel’ Manuscript Discovered? (What It Is and Why It Matters.)

“As a general rule, ancient manuscripts are hard to come by. Most have perished over the years for a variety of reasons—destroyed by foreign armies, burned in fires, eaten by insects, rotted or decayed, or simply lost. We never have as many as we’d like. Thanks to Oxyrhynchus, though, we have manuscripts of the New Testament we might never have expected to have. Before the 20th century, we possessed very few of what we call New Testament papyri—copies of the New Testament on papyrus, typically earlier than the later parchment manuscripts.”

Success Is Our Only Option

“You’ve heard it ‘preached’ a thousand times before: ‘I am proof that if you put your mind to it, that if you work hard, you can achieve anything you want.’ Often, it is athletes, standing triumphantly on a podium or raising a gleaming trophy high above their heads, who evoke such clichés. We eagerly embrace these moments because, in our world, success is paramount. Achievement is everything.”

3 Ways to Combat Spiritual Weariness

Here is brief counsel on combatting spiritual weariness.

Christianity and Liberalism

The latest issue of the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology is dedicated to Gresham Machen’s Christianity & Liberalism. There is lots of good reading there!

Flashback: Maintaining Confidence in the Process

We need to believe that God really does work and that he really does work over time…Though it’s right to be harsh with our sin, it’s also right to be patient with our growth.

God does not desire us to waste our life in tears. We are to put our grief into new energy of service. Sorrow should make us more reverent, more earnest, and more helpful to others.

—J.R. Miller

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