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A La Carte (September 23)

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I would appreciate your prayers over the next few days. I am currently heading to Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), to speak at Se Hombre. Please pray for safe travels and that I would simply and confidently preach God’s Word.

Are We Together?

Ligonier Ministries is giving away R.C. Sproul’s excellent book Are We Together? In it “R.C. Sproul takes his stand for the cardinal doctrines of Protestantism in opposition to the errors of the Roman Catholic Church.”

Is Pro-Life Winning?

Russell Moore: “It’s hard to remember a mobilization of pro-life coalitions like the one we’ve seen in the months since the release of the first video. Planned Parenthood’s human trafficking operations have reignited our political and cultural discussions about abortion and human dignity, and many have testified of the videos’ having a profound—and in some cases, definitive—affect on their views.”

Open Air Preaching

Geoffrey Kirkland says, “As I frequent the streets to open air preach to the masses, I need to review biblical goals of open air preaching so I remember why I do what I do and to guard me from veering off track.”

Volkswagen’s Scandal

This article explains what Volkswagen did, and how they got away with it. (Note: one or two swear words.) “It sounds like the sinister plot of some straight-to-DVD movie. Since 2009, Volkswagen had been installing elaborate software in 482,000 ‘clean diesel’ vehicles sold in the US, so that the cars’ pollution controls only worked when being tested for emissions.”

This Day in 1950. Happy birthday to Tim Keller, who turns 65 today! You can wish him a happy birthday at @timkellernyc.

10 Surprising Facts About LEGO

The article is total clickbait, but still fun.

Reading Better, Retaining More

Trevin Wax has some tips for you.

Hard Not to Cry

It’s hard not to cry watching this video of a man serenading his wife with their old love songs.


While you are unfit to die, you can have no true enjoyment of life.

—John Newton

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