May the Lord be with you and bless you today.
I dug up just a few new Kindle deals today.
Meanwhile, WTS has another good deal, this one offering 50% off on ESV Scripture Journals.
You Probably Have a Good Pastor
This is a very important one from Todd Pruitt. “I have no desire to diminish the sad experiences of those who have found themselves in the unfortunate and at times tragic circumstance of having an abusive pastor. But the attention given to those who abuse God’s people suggests, whether intentionally or unintentionally, that abusive pastors are the norm. And I think we all know why.”
On Using Your 20s Well
“It seems like my friend had bought into a common myth: the idea that once you’ve finished college, you should be a fully-formed adult who understands yourself fully, knows exactly what you’re going to do for the rest of your life, and walks confidently into that future with full assurance.”
Give Little Kids a Firm Foundation in God’s Word
“This has everything I am looking for in a kids’ Bible: vivid and colorful artwork, well-told stories, ethnically diverse illustrations, faithfulness to Scripture, and a clear sense of how God’s promises hold history together. A go-to Bible for the next generation of children.” Andrew Wilson (Sponsored Link)
15 Reasons Why Legalism is Destructive
David gives us 15 reasons why legalism is so very destructive.
How Jesus Wanted Us to Read His Gospel
How does Jesus want us to read his gospel? That’s the focus of this article.
The Blessings That Come With Forgiveness
“‘Birds fly. Fish swim. Christians forgive.’ My husband made this statement in a sermon on forgiveness a few weeks ago and it resonated with me. With all the authority and confidence that could only be rooted in Scripture, he proceeded to explain how forgiveness is as necessary to the Christian as breathing.”
Stay in the Race
Erik focuses on pastors to remind us that pastoral ministry is a marathon rather than a sprint.
Flashback: God Has Found You Faithful
God is the one who has called you to walk this path, and he is the one who has called you to walk it faithfully.