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A La Carte (September 21)


Good morning from Morocco where I’ve settled in for the second-to-last leg of this journey. It has been a whirlwind, but all is well.

Westminster Books has a book on sale that you’re meant to order before Christmas.

Today’s Kindle deals include a number of interesting books.

(Yesterday on the blog: As Summer Turns to Fall)

Borrowed Strength

This is a tremendous article from Melissa. “I hope God can sort out the desires of my heart, because half the time I can’t even figure out what to hope for in this season. But I do know enough to know this: hope is warranted. Hope is essential and real and it’s different from wishing or dreaming, because real hope built on the person of Jesus.”

Ecclesiological Triage

Most of us have become familiar with the idea of theological triage. But do we also need some ecclesiological triage? Michael Lawrence makes the case for it.

Super Thoughts on Superscripts

Here’s a good article about the superscripts you so often find in the Psalms. Should we pay attention to them? Are they a part of Scripture or later additions?

Is something wrong with me if I don’t feel God’s presence in my suffering?

Sinclair Ferguson answers the question in his characteristically nuanced way.

Fighting for Faith When Doubts Abound

Sarah Walton: “The questions I’ve been asking myself lately are this: Why am I surprised when trials come when we’re told that in this world we will face sorrow and suffering (John 16:33)? Why do I so quickly question God’s goodness, love, and control when I experience the pain of this world or don’t receive the miracle I’m pleading for?”

5 Myths about Mental Illness

Tom Karel addresses a series of myths related to mental illness.

Flashback: No Hand But His Ever Holds the Shears

If it is our loving gardener who does the pruning, we can be sure there are never any unwise or careless cuts. Though we may not know why this branch has had to be trimmed or that one removed, we do know the one who wields the blade.

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.

—Charles Spurgeon

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