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A La Carte (September 21)


To this point we have been thrilled with my son’s freshman experience at Boyce College. If you have children gearing up for college, you may want to consider attending the upcoming Preview Day, since that is what convinced us (and him) it was a place he could thrive. Use the code PREVIEW18 to skip the registration fee.

Logos users will want to read this quick guide to all that’s on sale this month.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Day With Amy Carmichael)

4 Reasons to Remember your Creator in Middle Age

It’s not just in the younger years that we need to deliberately remember our Creator! “Remember, middle-agers, our Creator is in the business of re-creating. In salvation, He begins the process of making all things new, including His creatures. In fact, the Creator lived as a creature in the midst of His creation to save His creatures.”

Traveling the World Was Never the Same Once the Boeing 747 Debuted

The 747 was an innovation that forever changed the world. “Like other American emblems of design and commerce, from the Empire State Building to the Golden Gate Bridge, the 747 endures—a little past its prime, sure, but undiminished in memory and in its power to inspire and awe.”

The Sadistic Quest to Design a Tinier Airline Bathroom

Speaking of air travel, you start to wonder how much tinier and how much less comfortable things can get before the inevitable backlash.

Emotional Intimacy

“Being safe emotionally is the thing that all other things in a marriage depend on. Emotional abandonment occurs when couples either refuse to communicate on a deep level, or they speak in such an abusive way that one of the partners withdraws. And without emotional safety in a marriage, defensiveness and selfishness grow and that makes it impossible to be vulnerable or intimate.” Here are a few tips on deepening emotional intimacy.

Biblical CBT

I appreciate this brief look at how to address unbiblical thinking with distinctly biblical alternatives.

A God-Directed Orphan Ministry

“Charles Spurgeon is remembered primarily for his powerful, Spirit-anointed preaching ministry that pointed thousands of individuals to Jesus Christ as their Savior and built up tens of thousands of believers in their Christian faith. For three decades Spurgeon regularly preached to 5,000 or more people at his church, the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London.” But there was much more to his ministry than that.

Examining the Theology and Practice of the Bethel Movement

The context for this piece is Australia, but the article itself is a carefully-documented examination of some of the most prominent concerns with Bethel Church and its worldwide movement.

Flashback: The Beginner’s Guide to Conflict Resolution

Conflict is an opportunity to grow in grace, in character, in love, in humility. It all begins with two simple questions: What kind of conflict are we in? And what do we need to do to resolve that kind of conflict?

Never let a hurried lifestyle disturb the relationship of abiding in Him.

—Oswald Chambers

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