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A La Carte (September 20)


Blessings to you today.

There are a few Kindle deals that are worth a look.

(Yesterday on the blog: Emerging From Our Trials Unscathed)

The Queen’s Funeral Sermon

“In what has been billed ‘the most watched sermon in history’ the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, today spoke at the funeral of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. For those who never preach, and for those of us whose audience figures are drastically more modest, it is easy to be overly-critical about what is said and how it is said on such occasions. This post aims to avoid all such snark, and to reflect appreciatively on the Archbishop’s words, with one small point of clarification.”

2022 Results Now Available: The State of Theology

Ligonier Ministries has released the results of their annual State of Theology survey. As usual, there are some interesting (and concerning) results.

Seek God’s Face Before You Seek His Hand

It’s a good rule this: seek God’s face before you seek his hand.

What Is God’s Highest Calling?

“What is God’s highest calling? No one profession or ministry. God’s highest calling for each person is to surrender themselves to Him for whatever He asks. He has a place and purpose for each of us.”

The American Dream Couldn’t Save My Marriage

I appreciate Habtamu Sisay sharing his account of how the American Dream couldn’t save his marriage.

Why did God prevent Israelites with deformities from approaching the altar?

Sinclair Ferguson takes on a really difficult question here: Why were priests with physical deformities prohibited from offering sacrifices in the Old Testament?

Flashback: It Has To Be Dark Before We Can See

The path to joy does not avoid sorrow, according to Jesus, but leads directly through it. But not just any sorrow will do. Joy comes to those who experience a particular kind of sorrow—a deep remorse over their depraved hearts and defiled hands.

If you cannot worship the Lord in the midst of your responsibilities on Monday, it is not very likely that you were worshiping on Sunday!

—A.W. Tozer

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