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A La Carte (September 2)

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Good morning and happy Labor Day (or Labour Day🇨🇦) to those who celebrate it.

There is a huge stack of Kindle deals today (and yesterday). We’ve got Collin Hansen’s fascinating look at Tim Keller’s influencer and influencers, Gentry & Wellum’s Kingdom Through Covenant (marked way down from the usual $37), Thaddeus William’s Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth, most of the IVP Pocket Reference series, and so much else. Be sure to scroll down to September 1 as well.

Writing Prayers for Others

I really appreciate Kenneth Berding writing about the joy of writing out prayers for other people. “Especially when someone is suffering, I’ve found that a written prayer that includes the kinds of things I’m already praying ministers more effectively to my hurting friends than simply writing: ‘I’m praying for you.’ I’ve also found that it is a helpful way of communicating to a Christian friend the kinds of virtues that I’ve been praying will develop in their lives.”

Is It Okay to Seek Heavenly Rewards?

Is it ignoble or just plain wrong to seek heavenly rewards? Greg Koukl answers a question from a listener.

Creating a Church Culture of Evangelism

J.A. Medders and Doug Logan have co-written a new resource for churches to help them cultivate a culture that reaches the lost with the gospel. Get 25% off with code SOULWIN. (Sponsored Link)

Unbelieving Child and Qualified Elder

“Imagine your pastor’s seventeen-year-old son publicly declaring on social media that he no longer believes the gospel. Must the pastor resign? The answer to this question rests on the interpretation of one word in Titus 1:6 (πιστά). In sum, the debate concerns whether Paul requires elders to have faithful children or believing children.”

Demonology: What Does the Bible Say about Demons?

This article provides quite an extensive look at what the Bible says about the existence, origin, and purpose of demons.

Healthy Grief Is Centered on God’s Promises

Randy Alcorn says—rightly, of course—that healthy grief is centered on God’s promises. “I’ve heard it said, ‘There’s no wrong way to grieve.’ I disagree.” As do I!

I find this an interesting and helpful look at the complexity of relationships in African communities. “In the rich tapestry of African culture, relationships are deeply woven into the fabric of society. As Christianity continues to flourish across the continent, it’s crucial to examine how traditional power structures and cultural norms intersect with biblical teachings on discipleship.”

Flashback: God, You’ve Got the Wrong Guy

Moses had it all wrong. Moses wanted to serve God out of his strength, but God wanted Moses to serve out of his weakness.

Maturity happens when you put yourself in the place God wants you. Don’t run because there’s adversity. Maybe God wants to use the adversity to make you more like Jesus.

—Jay Pathak & Dave Runyon

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