Jesus Cares About Your Words – J.A. Medders stacks up the proof that your words matter a lot.
Toilet Roll Changing – I completely feel this dad’s pain. And I find it downright hilarious that he made an instructional video to show his kids how to replace the toilet paper roll. I’m going to have my kids watch it.
5 Questions – Boundless did a short interview with me in case you’re interested in reading it.
Good News for the Poor – This month’s issue of Tabletalk has an interview with one of my favorite people: Mez McConnell.
Your Brain on Coffee – Here’s a short video explaining just what happens in that sweet moment when you take a sip of coffee.
4 Things God Says to Singles – Here are four things God says to singles.
Responding to Victoria Osteen – Ligon Duncan responds to Victoria’s Osteen recent remarks about pursuing our own pleasure instead of God’s. Though her comments were ridiculous, Duncan treats them well and helps us see a far better alternative.