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A La Carte (September 19)

Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles by John MacArthur as well as a few by other authors.

Yesterday Keith and Kristyn Getty kicked off their first Sing! conference. You can watch it for free via livestream if you’re so inclined.

Rejecting The Weekly Verdict

While this article applies specifically to worship leaders, I suspect it applies to each one of us at one time or another.

Only Love Prevents Adultery

Jani Ortlund pens a letter to a would-be adulteress. “In all our years of ministry, I have never had one woman come to me and say, ‘I am so happy over this affair. It’s even better than I imagined!’ And so as an older woman, I have one word for you: Don’t! Don’t go there. Don’t go there in your mind. Don’t go there in your heart. Don’t go there with your body.”

The Sing Team: Sing On!

Some people have asked me to mention interesting new music. So for those people, check out the new album by The Sing Team (which is a band formerly affiliated with Mars Hill Church).

John Wycliffe – Morning Star of the Reformation

You can’t understand the Reformation without understanding the Forerunners of the Reformation, including John Wycliffe. Vance Christie has a solid biography of him on his blog.

Wrestling with the Biblical Text: When We Don’t Like What it Says…

Here’s an interesting article (and study) on how Millennials read their Bibles. Pastors and parents take note! “How young adults make sense of challenging biblical passages is informing their lived faith in a very real way.”

All Sides Are Turning Against Silicon Valley

Gene Veith tells how all sides (from the far left to far right) are turning on Silicon Valley. “The tech geniuses and entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley have been lauded for their creativity and innovation, held up as models of financial enterprise and economic brilliance. But lately opinions have been changing. Now the titans of technology are being regarded more as 19th century robber barons.”

Jury Duty and Judgment Day

Jordan Strandridge describes his experience with jury duty, then draws an application to Judgment Day.

Flashback: Why Does the Universe Look So Old?

Those, like me, who hold to a six-day understanding of creation have to face this question: Why does the universe look so old? Why does it look older than it actually is?

Next to the wonder of seeing my Savior will be, I think the wonder that I made so little use of the power of prayer.

—Dwight L. Moody

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