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A La Carte (September 17)

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Gospel Affection – Joe Thorn offers 10 practical ways to show love to one another in the church. “Consider what follows a simple encouragement to press into a life of love in practical ways. A life God has called us to, saved us for, and modeled for us.”

The Death of Thomas Cramner – Do yourself a favor and read this brief account of the death of Thomas Cramner.

The Art of Being Ungrateful – You are probably already plenty good at being ungrateful, but if you want more help, Melissa’s offering it.

The New Abortion Absolutists – Trevin Wax asks, “Are abortion rights supporters fully embracing an absolutist agenda, one that legitimizes and praises a woman’s choice to abort, no matter the circumstances?” (Erik Raymond also writes about abortion and moral ambiguity.)

Rush Hour – This is for entertainment purposes only, I suppose. But it’s fun to see how this video was stitched together to create the illusion of traffic.

125 Free eBooks – Monergism lists 125 free classics in ebook formats.


Avalanches of evil begin with a single pebble of sin.

—John Piper

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