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A La Carte (September 16)

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What’s All this Gospel-Centered Talk About? – Dane Ortlund: “As far as I can tell the phrase is used in two basic ways. One way is to view all of life in light of the gospel. We’ll call this a gospel-centered worldview. The other is to view Christian progress as dependent on the gospel. We’ll call this gospel-centered growth.”

Social Media and the Panda Predicament – You will probably be able to identify with this panda predicament.

The Coffee Nap – I’m really bad at napping (and sleep in general), but this still sounds worth trying.

Little Boys With Their Porno – This article tees off from an Arcade Fire and looks at the disturbing trend of “little boys and their porno.”

Thanking Your Way Through Thorns – There is wisdom in this.

Apple Watch – Mike Wittmer shares a few important parts of a TIME article on the new Apple Watch.

While all men seek after happiness, scarcely one in a hundred looks for it from God.

—John Calvin


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